- Expansion Joint
- Carrier Roll for High Temperature Rolling
- Insulating Material
- Disaster-prevention Product
- Gaskets and Packing
- Shipbuilding Products
Use Environment
:Steel / Non-Ferrous Metals
- *The use environments indicated in each product category are typical examples.
Expansion Joint
Non-metallic Expansion Joint
Metallic Expansion Joint
- Metallic Expansion Joint
Carrier Roll for High Temperature Rolling
Carrier Roll for Stainless Steel
Disc Roll
- Eco Roll
Insulating Material
Calcium Silicate Product
Super Feather Silica
Mille Board #1000
Green Feather Silica
AK Silica
Mille Board #1000 HD Furnace
Kilnite #1000
Water Repellent Keikalite
Recepal HS
Subsidiary Material
Grass Wool
- Glass Felt
Glass Cover - Heat Resistance Glass Felt
- Rockwooll
- Ultimate Products
- ※AES=Alkaline Earth Silicate Wool
Alumina Fiber
- Alumina Fiber
Heat Registant Cloth
- Sun Tex
- Thousand Tex
- Super Temp Cloth
- Arami Cloth
- Carbon Cloth
- ASE Cloth
- Sliding Pad
- Thermo Jacket
- Metallicclean
Metalose - Millboard
- Biofill
Disaster-prevention Product
Fireproof Box
Gasket and Packing
- Joint Sheet
- Beater Sheet
- Expanded Graphite Gasket
- Rubberized Tape
Manhole Gasket - Semi-metallic Gasket Sheet
- Spirotal Gasket
Grand Packing
- Expanded Graphite Packing
- PTFE Fiber Packing
- Carbon Fiber Packing
- Aramid Fiber Packing
Shipbuilding Products
Noncombustible Material
- Marilite G-PH
- Marilite G-PF
- Marilite G-OS
- High Heat Board G
- Glass Felt
- SeaRox®
- Sun Tex
- High Heat Coat G
Primary Deck Covering Material
- Marilite VL
Fire Retardant Veneer
- Marilite VL
- D Barrier