Key Message

For over 100 years, Our Group has been developing business in various fields, ranging from building materials to automotive parts, specializing in heat-controlling technologies such as non-inflammability, fire-proofing and thermal insulation. All products and services offered by the Group are highly functional and backed by solid technologies. We are committed to keep on making our contribution to a safe and comfortable lifestyle and to enhance our unique technical capabilities even in the future.
Based on our 2020 Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2018 - FY2020), currently in effect, we have adopted "Implementing sustainable development and enhancing corporate value" as our Group Slogan and have formulated the following three main policies:
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Improving labor productivity by reforming the way we work
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Expanding the number of high added-value products by aggressively developing, and investing in, new products and new construction methods
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Expanding our areas of business by adding peripheral businesses
Under our 2017 Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2015 – FY2017), we achieved operating profits exceeding our initial targets and were able to steer our course towards a "new offensive and re-growth." We envision the current year as one leading to further growth on the part of the Group. Besides working to achieve the goals set forth in our 2020 Medium-Term Management Plan, we will continue to focus on medium and long-term development and further enhance corporate value.
We look forward to your continued support and patronage.
President & Representative Director